365: Brand vs Advertising

January 1st, 2011

What’s the difference between a brand and advertising? In humanistic terms the question asks “What’s the difference between a stable personality and a really snappy look?” Brand is a commitment to deliver a differentiated service, product, and quality standard consistently. Winston Fletcher(1) defined a very basic but sound working definition […]

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365:Logo vs Brand

January 2nd, 2011

I have a logo, isn’t that my brand?Your logo is one visual component of your brand, but it is not your brand. Your logo is to your brand like a signature is to a personality.  Each is unique and identifiable, but a signature alone can not tell you about the […]

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365: Insiders vs Outsiders?

January 3rd, 2011

Isn’t it better to work with industry insiders to manage your brand? The disruptive technologies that radically move markets forward typically come from outside industries specifically because they have an outside perspective. If you rely on the same check-list of standard, homogenized, industry practices that mimic what everyone else fears, says, and […]

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365: Who Defines a Brand?

January 5th, 2011

Isn’t a brand simply a story that I make up to entice customers to buy? “Brand is not what you say it is, it’s what they say it is.”1 Your brand is every real or imagined trait, nuance, story, impression, quirk, process, delay, sound, sneeze, perspective, dimension, sell tactic, experience, […]

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365: Why Do I Need a Brand?

January 8th, 2011

Why do I need a brand? When I first read this question on January 3, 2011 my instinctive response was more haughty than informative. Why do we need a sense of purpose? Why do we need a personality? Why do we need reputations, character, values, and credibility? A sense of […]

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365: Do You Have a Favorite Brand Book?

January 9th, 2011

Do you have a favorite brand book? No, to paraphrase a famous tag line, “No one can read just one”. With that in mind here’s a short list of a few of our collective favorites: It must be said that Marty Neumeier, Director of Transformation at Liquid Agency is “king” […]

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365: Is The Tiger Wood’s Brand Dead?

January 10th, 2011

Do you think the Tiger Woods brand is dead? I think Tiger Woods is very much alive. I suspect that he is broken. I believe that brands humanize business. Applied to individuals, brand has quite the opposite effect; reducing a sports hero to endorsements and sponsorship. Brands remind us that […]

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