July 10th, 2011
It has been surprising to realize just how many business leaders are struggling with the same question: “What’s the point?” The question, asked any number of ways, is usually followed by a long list of reasons and arguments for convincing the working masses to show up every day to do what “should” be done, that is, produce something that someone else wants to buy.
Organizations must exist to contribute positively to the human experience…that is benefit one’s quality of life, culture, and community. Quite simply work should empower people in their quest and pursuit of happiness as they labor, contribute, and create. Anything less and the business will flounder. The uninspired, overtaxed working community will struggle to maintain momentum and sustain passion in transactional cultures. Focus will wane, mission creep will set in, morale, productivity, and value will slide.
The current economic crisis is a reflection of our human crisis. We unequivocally must bring our humanity to work. Our work should reinforce our sense of purpose, our value, and feed our very human need to build and create. It’s that simple. It’s that complicated. Work is not an add on.
The quality of our work changes when we see it as a vocation and a service. Watch the quick clip of Rainn Wilson describing his role as Dwight Schrute as a “service” on Big Think.