January 15th, 2011
If the purpose of a business’ charitable activities is just to build brand equity, they are “doing it just for the publicity.” It’s not a publicity stunt if a business has a Big !dea– an inspired mission and vision worth supporting and carrying forth- and they use their time, talents, and resources to support a like-minded cause.
Businesses founded on Big !deas stand out and stand apart. If you’re communicating your Big !dea and conveying your purpose, your charitable contributions won’t be misunderstood. If your intentions are sketchy, if your mission and vision aren’t clear, or aren’t being successfully conveyed, you’ve got some brand issues to sort out. Get on it.
BlackDog believes we’re are all responsible for the ways we contribute to global and community problems or fail to contribute to their solution. Research indicates your customers agree with us…
So, stick up for your values and the issues that matter to you and your customers fearlessly.
goodpurpose: “Despite Prolonged Global Recession, an Increasing number of people are spending on brands that have social purpose: According to the 2009 Global Edelman goodpurpose Study.” New York, 2009; 21 (October).