12 tips for writing a rockin press release that captures your brand and conveys your relevance
February 17th, 2012
12 tips for writing a rockin press release that captures your brand and conveys your relevance
July 18th, 2012
I hate the word “branding” for 2½ reasons, all of which have everything to do with popular usage and connotative meaning…. Courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/trimmer741/ 1.) When Branding is used as a verb, it typically refers to the isolated one-time or occasional applying of tactics to improve brand image. “Branding” typically […]
September 6th, 2012
Routinely we talk with unhappy heads’ of companies disappointed with their current brand development effort. They say things like “the brand house don’t seem to get us”, or “they seem pretty rigid in their process”. And the truly terrifying “they didn’t ask many questions, but now I have a new […]
October 9th, 2012
When it became clear that it was time to retire the “flashy” BlackDog website, we did what we always do around here. We started looking around, asking questions, and reading the facts and findings of the guru’s that write the research. What we gathered was informative, most of it was […]
December 20th, 2012
It’s difficult to make a difference or solve an issue when you are spreading limited resources across a long list of worthy causes. Sometimes less really is more. It should come as no surprise that “just” giving money, without thoughtful coordination, doesn’t produce significant change. Nor does it cultivate any […]
June 3rd, 2013
We’ve all bumped into Cicero’s Latin placeholder in templates, websites and other draft work pieces. It serves to give a sense of shape, text or typography without confusion “by removing the distraction of meaningful content”.(1) Unfortunately, the same is true for much of the results of “branding” projects, or “re-branding” […]