October 1st, 2010
We came across a newsletter this week that actually said: “‘like’ our Facebook page and receive an exclusive offer.” We’re not sure what the offer was, because we’re not interested in being bribed, manhandled, or coerced into social media engagement (…but we’re guessing it’s free shipping or a discount promo code).
Social media revolves around community and conversations. It’s a place for art, expression, and contribution – not advertising. Facebook isn’t just another notch in your touch-point belt, so have some respect.
You don’t need the gimmicks if you’re doing something that’s actually worthy of people’s time, interest, and attention. Real groupies- genuinely impassioned and impressed followers- aren’t bought; they’re earned.
Before you go out and set up a fan page or start a promo campaign to non-organically grow your following, read our social media guide: Social Media- The Prize Inside